We start this set of translations with some names of fruit, we here at 55learning want to both promote Spanish learning and healthy eating so its a win win situation really, these Spanish words will get harder and harder over the course of this series.
English | Spanish |
apple | manzana |
apricot | albaricoque |
avocado | aguacate |
breadfruit | pan |
banana | plátano |
blackcurrant | grosella negra |
blueberry | arándano |
cherimoya | annona cherimola |
coconut | coco |
cranberry | arándano |
grapefruit | pomelo |
grape | de uva |
guava | guayaba |
lemon | limón |
lime | cal |
mangosteen | mangostán |
melon | melón |
nectarine | nectarina |
orange | naranja |
pear | pera |
persimmon | caqui |
pinapple | piña |
pomegranate | granada |
strawberry | fresa |
watermelon | sandía |
1 comment:
This looks like a hefty but worthwhile undertaking - I hope you have help!
By the way, I noticed a few mis-translations here & on the Chinese page (which are the two languages that I am familiar with). For example, your translation for lime here is "cal", which is the chemical lime, not the fruit, which would be "limón".
I work in the language learning field, so your project is quite interesting to me. I'd like to know more - How many people are involved? Where did the idea come from? Where are you getting your word lists? Etc.
All the best,
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